Detail photos

Detail photos are a great way to capture the special items that make your day unique! Not everyone wants detail photos, but if you like them, read on for my top 8 items to include in your details box!

details photos

1 rings

Including your wedding bands may seem like a no-brainer but don't forget your engagement ring! She deserves her flowers too!

2 invitations

So many brides spend alot of time picking out their stationary for the big day, make sure it gets its moment to shine! Pro tip, include two envelopes, one with your current address and one with the venue address! That way you can include those special locations as well. You can also include extra wax seals and vintage stamps.

3 shoes & jewels

Shoes can add some sparkle and fun to your detail shots so don't forget them! Including your earrings, bracelet, or necklace is a great way to personalize your photos!

4 personalization

If you have an embroidered handkerchief, personalized tie, or anything custom to you, include it! Its a great way to capture those special items.

5 perfume

If you have a wedding scent it's nice to include in your detail shots as another item that you use on your wedding day!

6 loose flowers

To add some dimension and color to your detail photos you can ask your florist for a few extra stems from your arrangements to incorporate into your photos

7 cufflinks & tie

Don't forget your future hubby's things as well! this could include cuff-links, a watch, or special socks.

8 vow books

If you have vow books, this is a great time to get some photos of them. Its really hard to capture close-up shots of them in action during the ceremony! This way you have special photos of them before the ceremony!

Have a dedicated box

My number one tip regardless of what you include in your detail photos is to have a dedicated box and label all the items in each box so that your photographer knows what is included and can make sure everything gets back into the box! Designate a friend to make sure ceremony items like rings and vow books get to their destination to ensure a smooth day!